Events in the garden of Fjori Fora
Fjori fôra garden is an educational-interactive garden of wild plants on the island of Hvar, located in the village of Gdinj. The garden consists of six fields dedicated to plants that the islanders used in their daily lives: edible plants, plants for the production of cosmetic and medicinal preparations, plants for the production and dyeing of textiles… The program of events in the Fjori Fora garden is aimed at educational and interactive content.
Contact number for Fjori Forum. +385924165777 or +385994458407
Green school, SATURDAY, 8 JULY 2023 AT 5pm
Aromafest about island plants, essential oil, natural cosmetics and their application will be held by 5 lecturers, experts from different fields, who are connected through their work with herbs.
Igor Jerkovic
Melanie Kovač
Mirela Ilenić
Kristina Lasagna
Monika Maligec
The idea is to hold part of the workshop on the Jelsa-Pokrvenik ship + part of the lecture in the garden.
As part of the program, they would also include a local chef
15.7. Tasting of spices & wine
In cooperation with Marija Vukelić and winemaker Duboković, we combine the incompatible, spices and wine.
21.7. A walk in the park
For the second year, an evening of socializing and fun with the presentation of local producers, who are positioned in the so-called themed pools in the garden, for example in the honey pool – producers of honey, in the spicy pool – producers of olive oil, goat cheese, etc., in the medicinal pool – aromaterapuet.. The event is accompanied by an artistic part with island poets, poets, entertainers. We want to gather as many local producers as possible, locals as well as guests, and have fun and educate in a relaxed and casual way.
After 20.8. the play Rocco and Cicibela
Fjorastic gatherings for children
30.9. Nordics – on the trails of Gdinje