
Sunflower Award for Rural Tourism – Terra Archaica, Vrisnik

At the prestigious “Sunflower Award for Rural Tourism 2024” ceremony held on January 17 in Vukovar, the Split-Dalmatia County won an impressive five awards and two special recognitions, once again highlighting the exceptional quality and innovation of projects from the …

Invitation to the 10th Annual Olive Oil Festival of Hvar Island

The Association of Olive Growers “Sv. Špirijun” invites all olive growers, oil producers, and olive oil enthusiasts to join us and submit their olive oil samples for the 10th Anniversary Olive Oil Festival! This year, the Hvar Island Olive Oil …

Hvar: sustainability and revitalization.

A rare chance to share and develop ideas on the best way forward for Hvar Island.

MASTER CLASSES: Creating dramatic opera characters
MASTER CLASSES: Creating dramatic opera characters

1.8.-10.8.2024 Jelsa, Hvar, Croatia The Creating a Dramatic Character Workshop aims to help young, beginning opera singers feel natural and relaxed on stage while mastering the basic craft techniques of this art. The course will focus on technical and movement …

Holy Week on Hvar: Our Guide
Our guide: ‘Holy Week on Hvar island’

Our guide to Hvar’s proud tradition of Holy Week celebrations and rituals, their origins and their significance today.

Island Dialogue: E-mobility

As part of the project “Energy Transition of Islands”, the Island Movement is organizing an island dialogue on E-mobility The dialogue will take place on Wednesday, October 25, 2023, from 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM, and you can follow it …

Brand strategy of the island of Hvar
Brand strategy of the island of Hvar

Unifying Hvar Island’s diverse parts under a single brand to help promote the island’s attractions.

Island anatomy
Island Anatomy – Research and Development Center

11. Simpozij OTOK na stolu: Mediteranska prehrana između globalnih procesa i lokalnih otočkih znanja Najavljujemo Simpozij OTOK na stolu, koji će se održati od 28. do 30. rujna u Svečanoj dvorani općine Jelsa. Ovaj događaj predstavlja pravu poslasticu za sve …

Hvar’s Vegetarian Cookbook
Hvar Island’s First Vegetarian Cookbook Published by the Jelsa Municipal Tourist Board!

Innovation! Hvar’s first vegetarian cookbook.

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