Exhibition: “Hvar from Above \ Pogled na otok”
Opening reception of the exhibition “Hvar from Above \ Pogled na otok” will be on 25th of July 2023, Tuesday at 21 h
(venue Municipality Hall Jelsa)
Colours of Jelsa – 26/7/2023, Wednesday at 18 h
Coloristic expression of Jelsa motifs in medium of tempera, ink and crayons,
under the guidance of artist Kristina Kamala Babina. Children of school age are welcome to this workshop. (Preschoolers should be accompanied by their parents.)
Using Art to Communicate Emotion -27/7/2023, Thursday at 18 h
Professionally trained art therapist, Helen Hamilton will guide participants through a creative and reflective exercise using watercolours to connect with themselves more deeply.
Workshops are free of charge, all materials are included, please announce your coming on +385977658396 (Kristina) or kristinakamala@gmail.com
Exhibition will be on view until / Izložba će biti otvorena do : 30/7/2023, 9.30 – 12 h i 18 – 22 h, on the last day till 12 h