Exhibition: “Ships and boats of the Adriatic”
The opening of the exhibition “Ships and boats of the Adriatic” by ship modeler Željko Luka Fredotović will be held in the Jelsa Festive Ballroom of the Jelsa Town Hall. on Tuesday, July 11, 2023 at 8:30 p.m. The exhibition is open until July 20, 2023.
Željko Luka Fredotović
He was born in 1950 in Vrbanj on the island of Hvar, where he still lives, works and creates a small but numerous fleet of boats. A heavy by profession, and a ship modeler by passion, he made his first model in his childhood. Patience, will and gusto honed the skill of Željko’s hands, so in the last fifteen years he has been a regular participant in numerous group exhibitions of ship models. He makes various types of boats, small and large, according to his own will, a friend’s request or a customer’s order. Consistency to the original is a feature of his work, whether he uses blueprints or works according to the original ship. When making models, he tries to use the wood of the original, most often it is larch, fir and oskorusha wood. Deserved recognition comes through numerous medals from domestic and international competitions.