OPG “Grgo Lučić“
The family firm OPG ‘Grgo Lučić’ produces etheric oils, ointments, soaps, creams and hydrolates. All the products are tested and proven 100% natural. On offer are 17 different types of etheric oil and 15 types of balsam, each with its specific health-giving function.
Products can be sent out by post, or delivered to local addresses by arrangement.
We welcome visits, which should be arranged by contacting us in advance.
Contact information:
OPG „Grgo Lučić“
Address: Zastražišće 61, 21466, Zastražišće
Phone number: +3850911775115
E-mail: lui.grgo@gmail.com
Web: https://www.facebook.com/opg.grgolucic/?ref=page_internal