Art Jeans DT
On Sunday, August 13, 2023. at 9:00 p.m., the exhibition ART Jeans DT, Danijela Tomić, will be opened in the Jelsa Municipality Hall.
The exhibition will be open until August 21, 2023.
Danijela on painting and life on the island: Life on the island often changes the direction of living and creating. Arriving on that beautiful island of Hvar, that is, the town of Jelsa, in 1999 was my destiny! I founded a beautiful family and a family home.
She is a great support for me in everything I do and create. Ever since I was little, I loved to draw, paint and create. I most likely inherited that love and talent from my grandfather (he was a great artist in his work).
During the years on the island, my hidden talent came to the surface. I made various objects, created and sewed carnival costumes, carnival prizes, designed jewelry, knitted bags from fashion magazines, sewed and painted clothes, drew for my soul.
Thanks to carnival time and friends, my works have risen. ..But the corona came and everything stopped!
The Internet is often my best friend that opens the door to the world, you can learn anything, you just have to have the will. And that’s how the pictures were created, but not ordinary ones, but painted on the pages of books. Women, mothers, queens are my inspiration…
Most often, I paint with JAVANA fabric paints, water-based (they are stronger and more durable), acrylic in combination with temperas.
Painting relaxes me, it’s my world.
Message: Do what makes you happy and fulfills you in life, don’t give up your hidden talent, but nurture it, enter and create new works over and over again.
ART DT. Danijela Tomić