Did you know that Hvar has an estimated average of 2726 hours of sunshine every year?
The summer sunshine is ideal for restful holidays swimming and relaxing, then enjoying the cooler evening air.
The summertime north-westerly mistral wind usually comes up in the late morning and takes the edge of the day’s heat, as well as delighting yachtsmen.
Winters are generally mild, so outdoor activities, from energetic professional sports training to hiking, walking, birdwatching, exploring nature, and visiting Hvar’s sites of interest, are best enjoyed to the full outside of the hottest part of the year.
Some people even swim in the sea in the depths of winter! Snow is a rarity on Hvar, so when it falls it is a cause for excitement, building snowmen and even trying out some makeshift tobogganing on the island’s highest slopes during the short time it lasts.
The average temperature on Hvar year-round is 16.5°C, average daily sunshine 7.7 hours, with 3.8 hours of clouds.
Weather conditions vary in the different parts of Hvar. There can be surprising differences in the weather between places just a short distance apart.
The result of this benign climate is a wealth of diverse plants, including the rosemary and lavender for which Hvar is famous.