Kino Mediteran
‘Kino Mediteran’ (‘Mediterranean Cinema’) is a project to revitalize the cinema in Dalmatia by reviving cinema premises, and bringing film programmes to the smaller communities throughout Dalmatia, where cinemas have long been closed.
The programmes are mainly organized for the summer months, but there are also some screenings in winter. The long-term aim of the project is to furnish more and more cinemas, allowing them to function continuously through the whole year. The continuity of screenings varies from town to town. In some places a film might be shown over several days, whereas in others there might be regular screenings on a daily or weekly basis.
Kino Mediteran presents contemporary film titles for its audience, focussing most on the best quality European and world films available. The programme includes children’s films, so it has provided the younger generations with the chance to come to a cinema and see films on a big screen for the first time.

Kino Mediteran distributes its own films, as well as collaborating with all the Croatian film distributors and a large number of film festivals.
The films are not only for the domestic audience, but are sub-titled in English. Audiences are guaranteed an up-to-date, varied and attractive film programme at all times!
Jelsa has been hosting Kino Mediteran films successfully for some years throughout the year. Watching high-quality films in Jelsa’a refurbished outdoor cinema is a particular delight for summertime audiences.